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Monero Multisignature (Multisig) Wallets: Setup and Usage


Monero multisignature (multisig) wallets offer enhanced security and collaboration for managing Monero assets. Multisig wallets require multiple signatures to authorize transactions, providing an additional layer of protection against unauthorized access.

What is a Multisig Wallet?

A multisig wallet is a type of cryptocurrency wallet that requires multiple private keys to authorize a transaction. This setup can be useful for organizations, joint accounts, or individuals seeking extra security.

Setting Up a Monero Multisig Wallet

Follow these steps to set up a Monero multisig wallet:

1. Generate Wallet Keys

Each participant in the multisig setup must generate their own Monero wallet keys. Use the Monero CLI or GUI to create individual wallets:

monero-wallet-cli --generate-new-wallet

Each participant should securely store their wallet's mnemonic seed and private keys.

2. Create a Multisig Wallet

To create a multisig wallet, use the Monero CLI. One participant will initiate the multisig wallet creation process:

monero-wallet-cli --create-new-wallet --multisig --multisig-keys [public_keys]

Replace `[public_keys]` with the public keys of all participants. You can include more than 2 keys if needed.

3. Share the Multisig Wallet

Share the multisig wallet information with all participants. Each participant will then join the multisig wallet using their own Monero CLI or GUI:

monero-wallet-cli --join-multisig --multisig-keys [public_keys]

Each participant will need to confirm their participation and provide their own signatures.

4. Finalize and Test the Multisig Wallet

Once all participants have joined and provided their signatures, finalize the multisig wallet setup:

monero-wallet-cli --finalize-multisig

Test the multisig wallet by performing a small transaction to ensure that the setup is working correctly.

Using a Monero Multisig Wallet

After setting up the multisig wallet, you can use it for transactions with added security:

Benefits of Using a Multisig Wallet


If you encounter issues with your multisig wallet, consider the following:

Additional Resources

For further information and detailed documentation, refer to the following resources: