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How to Send and Receive Monero Transactions

Monero (XMR) is known for its strong privacy features, allowing users to send and receive transactions securely and anonymously. This guide will walk you through the process of sending and receiving Monero transactions across various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, Whonix, and Tails.

Sending and Receiving Monero on Windows

Step 1: Open Your Monero Wallet

Launch the Monero GUI Wallet on your Windows machine. Ensure your wallet is synchronized with the blockchain.

Monero Wallet on Windows

Step 2: Send Monero

Navigate to the "Send" tab, enter the recipient's Monero address, specify the amount, and click "Send". You can also adjust the transaction priority.

Send Monero on Windows

Step 3: Receive Monero

To receive Monero, go to the "Receive" tab, copy your Monero address, and share it with the sender. You can also generate payment requests.

Receive Monero on Windows

Sending and Receiving Monero on Linux

Step 1: Open Your Monero Wallet

Launch the Monero GUI Wallet on your Linux machine. Ensure that your wallet is fully synchronized with the blockchain before proceeding.

Monero Wallet on Linux

Step 2: Send Monero

In the "Send" tab, enter the recipient's address, specify the amount, and select the transaction priority. Click "Send" to complete the transaction.

Send Monero on Linux

Step 3: Receive Monero

Access the "Receive" tab to copy your Monero address. Provide this address to anyone who needs to send you Monero.

Receive Monero on Linux

Sending and Receiving Monero on macOS

Step 1: Open Your Monero Wallet

Open the Monero GUI Wallet on your macOS system and allow it to synchronize with the blockchain.

Monero Wallet on macOS

Step 2: Send Monero

Go to the "Send" tab, fill in the recipient's Monero address, and input the amount you wish to send. Adjust the transaction priority if necessary, then click "Send".

Send Monero on macOS

Step 3: Receive Monero

Click on the "Receive" tab, copy your Monero address, and share it with the sender to receive Monero.

Receive Monero on macOS

Sending and Receiving Monero on Android

Step 1: Open Your Monero Wallet App

Use the Monerujo app or another trusted Monero wallet app on your Android device. Open the app and ensure it's synchronized with the network.

Monero Wallet on Android

Step 2: Send Monero

In the app, navigate to the "Send" section, enter the recipient’s address and the amount, then confirm the transaction.

Send Monero on Android

Step 3: Receive Monero

Go to the "Receive" section, copy your Monero address, and provide it to the sender. You can also generate a QR code for easy sharing.

Receive Monero on Android

Sending and Receiving Monero on iOS

Step 1: Open Your Monero Wallet App

Use a trusted Monero wallet app like Cake Wallet on your iOS device. Open the app and ensure it’s synchronized with the blockchain.

Monero Wallet on iOS

Step 2: Send Monero

Navigate to the "Send" tab, input the recipient's Monero address, enter the amount, and confirm the transaction.

Send Monero on iOS

Step 3: Receive Monero

To receive Monero, go to the "Receive" tab, copy your Monero address, and share it with the sender.

Receive Monero on iOS

Sending and Receiving Monero on Whonix

Step 1: Open Your Monero Wallet

In Whonix, launch the Monero GUI Wallet. Allow it to synchronize with the Monero blockchain via Tor.

Monero Wallet on Whonix

Step 2: Send Monero

On the "Send" tab, enter the recipient’s Monero address and amount, then confirm the transaction.

Step 3: Receive Monero

Navigate to the "Receive" tab, copy your Monero address, and provide it to the sender.

Sending and Receiving Monero on Tails

Step 1: Open Your Monero Wallet

Launch the Monero GUI Wallet on Tails, ensuring it connects securely through Tor. Synchronize with the blockchain before proceeding.

Monero Wallet on Tails

Step 2: Send Monero

Enter the recipient’s Monero address and the amount in the "Send" tab. Confirm the transaction to send Monero.

Step 3: Receive Monero

Copy your Monero address from the "Receive" tab and share it with the sender to receive Monero.